as a Way of Life
2. Indomitable Spirit (Courage)
3. Perseverance
4. Discipline (Self-Control)
5. Courtesy (Honesty-Humility)
of Taekwondo
1. Loyalty to your country- Also respect Korea, it's language,
customs, etc.
2. Respect your parents- The respect you show them will make
it easier for them to trust you and treat you more as a grown-up
rather than as a child.
3. Faithfulnes to your spouse- When you grow up and marry
you will have to decide who the most important person in your
life is going to be.
4. Respect your brothers and sisters- A brother or sister
is a partner with whom to share life, joys and sorrows. They
can also help you learn patience and how to listen well.
5. Loyalty to your friends- Choose the right kind of friends
(not the kind that fool around, miss school, bother people,
or do things that are bad for themselves or for others. They
are the ones that lead others into trouble.
6. Respect your elders- Your elders have lived more, experienced
more, and hopefully learned more through experience. If you
don't respect your elders, you can't learn from their experience.
Even when you don't agree with what they say, learn from their
experiences and respect them by obeying. When you respect
your elders, they will show respect for you.
7. Respect your teachers- An instructor has studied for a
long time to learn Taekwondo. It is an honor for an instructor
to pass down the art of Taekwondo to you. It is also an honor
for you to learn. Take learning seriously and learn to ask
questions at the right time in the right manner if you don't
8. Never take life unjustly- Taekwondo teaches people to value
all life and to protect life. The only time you may take a
life is if it will save yours or another.
9. Indomitable Spirit- Keep trying. Learn to sets goals and
to concentrate. Learn flexibility. Keep a good attitude and
outlook on life.
10. Loyalty to your school- Your dojang is a member of the
World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). Your black belt instructors
are certified by the WTF.
11. Finish what you begin- Never begin anything that is not
worth finishing, but always finish what you begin.