Taekwondo One-Step Techniques For each technique, the defender will start in the ready (choom-bi) position. The attacker will assume defensive position with right foot back, left low block, back stance. The attacker will then step forward and execute the punch called for by the defender in front stance. After the defender has completed his maneuver, the attacker will return to defensive position to prepare for the next technique. After the first technique, the same technique will be executed from the opposite stance so that the students will be trained on both sides of attacks rather than training solely on the right side. Note:
1) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches right/left/right 2) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches left/right/left 3) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches right/left/right 4) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches left/right/left 5) Low Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with low punches right/left/right 6) Low Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with low punches left/right/left 7) High Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with high punches right/left/right 8) High Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with high punches left/right/left 9) Middle, High, Low, Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle, high, low, middle punches right/left/right/left
10) Middle, High, Low, Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle, high, low, middle punches left/right/left/right
1) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches right/left/right 2) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches left/right/left 3) Low Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with low punches right/left/right 4) Low Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with low punches left/right/left 5) High Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with high punches right/left/right 6) High Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with high punches right/left/right 7) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches right/left/right 8) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle punches left/right/left 9) Middle, High, Low, Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle, high, low, middle punches right/left/right/left
10) Middle, High, Low, Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with middle, high, low, middle punches left/right/left/right
1) Low Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with right low punch 2) Low Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with left low punch 3) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with right middle punch 4) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with left middle punch 4) Middle Punch (right first)1.
Attacker: step foward with right middle punch 4) Middle Punch (left first)1.
Attacker: step foward with left middle punch |